Episode 75 Katie Visco: Katie Visco Following Dreams Across Australia

January 16, 2020
Today’s guest is Katie Visco, who, on November 8th, finished running across Australia. 2200 miles, 3 and a half months, more than a marathon a day. Instead of vehicle support, her husband Henley Phillips pedaled a bicycle loaded up with 350 pounds of their gear, food, and water. First ever bicycle-supported transcontinental run across any country. Katie tackled this huge endeavor entirely as a personal challenge for herself and to accomplish one of her long held dreams. On the episode Katie talks about having a life purpose, letting the next best decision manage her big projects, the huge value of telling stories along with water, climate, and taking care of the planet.

Endurance running is not new to Katie. In 2009, she became the 2nd youngest and 13th woman to run across America. While make that trip from Boston to San Diego, she also spoke to more than 200 audiences encouraging people to go for their big dreams.

Katie’s website
Katie’s Hot Love Soup
Katie’s Good Juju Energy Balls
Katie’s IG
Nutrition Mechanic
Bobo’s Bars
Kate’s Bars
Simpson Desert
Pave Your Lane, Katie’s run across America