Episode 72: Lia Neal Surrounded By the Right People

December 5, 2019
This week two-time Olympic medalist Lia Neal joins the podcast to explain the new International Swimming League, share stories of training a kid in Brooklyn, why and how she gives back, what it was like being at the Olympics, and finding a bit of balance as a new pro.

Lia recently graduated from Stanford University where, as team captain, she led the team to a NCAA swimming Championship. She’s now a pro preparing for the Tokyo2020 Olympics and competing in the new International Swimming League as a captain of the New York Breakers Team. She won bronze and silver medals in the 4x100 freestyle relays at the 2012 & 2016 Olympic Games, was the first woman of Black descent to swim an Olympic final for the US, and won a gold medal at the junior World Championships.

I’m so glad to have Lia on the podcast to find out more about the International Swimming League, launched to develop commercially successful team-based competitions --- meaning money to the swimmers and, as we hear from Lia, meaning more opportunities to race.

Lia Neal
Lia Neal Spotify
International Swimming League
Tyr Pro Swim Series
Team Elite
Asphalt Green
Moniker Coffee

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